United Snakes of America

United Snakes of America

United Snakes of America Collaboration with Artcodex As part of the group show Broad Stripes and Bright Stars Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT Summer 2017 Pencil, ink, gouache on paper, found printed cardboard. 18″ x 11″ and

Jellyfish Battle

Jellyfish Battle

Jellyfish Battle As part of The War Show: Tactics Future Prospects Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines April 2006 A group art exhibition in which pairs of artists are set one against another in artistic combat. Artists from America were paired with

The War Show:  Invasion

The War Show: Invasion

The War Show: Invasion Collaboration with Artcodex Art of This, Minneapolis, MN September 2006 A collaboration between artists from Brooklyn, NY (Artcodex) and Minneapolis, MN (Art of This). The artists from Brooklyn travelled to Minneapolis, to “battle” with the Art

Plant Boxing

Plant Boxing

Plant Boxing As part of Im/migration of the Species Collaboration with Artcodex May 31 – July 15, 2008 Emergence Governors Island Im/Migration of the Species explores the many meanings of native and non-native by instigating a plant war of native and